About the NGO
The ORDO is a non-profit, secular, non-sectarian, non-political, non-governmental organisation, registered in 1984 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. There is an Executive Board to govern it having statutory character. The ORDO works and supports for all people without distinction of caste, tribe, creed, race, religion, nationality and place of origin. The area of operation covers Manipur state. The ORDO was established under the inspiration of the depressed tribal communities, and it aims to improve the quality of life of the tribal poor in the hill areas through rural reconstruction, conservation of biodiversity and regeneration of the degraded environment and ecosystems. » Know More
from the Secretary's desk

The Oriental Rural Development Organisation (ORDO), Tamei, Manipur has attained widespread public recognition as an organization which promotes sustainable rural development activities in Manipur.
The ORDO's guiding philosophy is rooted in the ethical value of caring for our planet and all life that it sustains now and in the future. The ORDO is committed to making a contribution towards the creation of an equitable society based on mutual obligations and responsibilities in which development patterns will satisfy the shared needs and aspirations of all people and respect the earth's living system and natural resources.